2025 Baptist Women's World Day of Prayer

Saturday, February 22, 2025
9:30 am - 11:00 am
First Baptist Church Waco (Fellowship Hall)
500 Webster Ave, Waco, TX 76706

Join women and girls from across McLennan County for a Women’s World Day of Prayer Brunch with the theme “What Joy! Living a Purposeful Life!"

A light, complimentary brunch will be served at 9:30 am and the program and time of prayer will begin at 10:00 am.

Brunch reservations are strongly encouraged but not required to participate. Please email Kathy_Hillman@baylor.edu or call  254-749-5347 by February 17 to reserve your spot. 

This event is open to women from all denominations and is sponsored by WMU/Women’s Ministries of Waco Regional Baptist Association, First Baptist Church Waco WMU Women, Truett Theological Seminary, and the Keston Center for Religion, Politics, and Society at Baylor University.

Keynote Speaker: Patty Lane, President, Baptist Women of North America

Bible Study: Cheryl Segura Gochis, Baylor University Vice President for Human Resources and Chief Human Resources Officer

Theme Interpretation: Patricia Wilson, Baylor University Law School Associate Dean and William Boswell Chair of Law

Music: Maria Monteiro and Dodie Morris

Prayers: Led by Women from Across the World