The Master of Divinity degree at Truett Seminary intends to provide graduate theological education that is centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ and consistent with historic Baptist commitments to prepare persons to carry this gospel to the churches and the world.
Program Vision
Preaching & Worship
Students will be able to plan, and lead in, thoughtful and well crafted worship of God and communicate God’s Word in a clear and understandable manner informed by careful biblical exegesis and attentive to the contemporary context.
Christian Scriptures & Theology
Students will be able to draw and reflect upon Scripture and the classical and contemporary literature of the Church to articulate an informed Christian worldview for life and ministry.
Leadership & Administration
Students will understand and demonstrate effective, Christian leadership skills for ministry.
Nurture & Care of Souls
Students will be able to nurture individuals using an integrated set of pastoral skills and spiritual disciplines.
Lifelong Learning
Students will participate in lifelong learning events outside of classroom responsibilities and will value lifelong learning as a means for discovering resources for ongoing ministry enhancement.
Spiritual Formation
Students will nurture personal and communal spiritual formation as a foundation for a life of ministry.
Evangelism & Global Missions
Students will think critically regarding the worldwide mission of the church, demonstrate skills for leading persons to faith in Jesus Christ through holistic ministries and verbal and lifestyle witness, and understand the need to catalyze congregations for local and international witness.