Willson-Addis Endowed Lecture
The Willson-Addis Endowed Lectureship recognizes the Willsons and their daughter, Oragene Willson Addis, and examines practical Christianity. The lecturer may be from any branch of the Judeo-Christian tradition.
This year, Truett Seminary is proud to present:

Alicia Myers | September 10, 2024 | 11:00 am | Paul W. Powell Chapel
"Helen Barrett Montgomery’s Bible: Jesus’s Inclusive Ministry in the Gospels."
Alicia Myers is associate professor of New Testament and Greek at Campbell University Divinity School and research fellow at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Dr. Myers earned her PhD from Baylor University (2010), an MTS from Duke Divinity School (2006), and a BA from Indiana Wesleyan University (2004). She views writing and teaching as a combined vocation and seeks to bridge the gap between the academy and worshipping communities. Her research focuses primarily on the Gospel and Letters of John, exploring how the Old Testament and Second Temple Jewish writings, alongside Greco-Roman rhetoric and literature aid our interpretation of these writings. She is the author of commentary on the Gospel and Letters of John (Smyth & Helwys, 2019), has just completed writing a theology of the Gospel of John (New Testament Theology Series, Cambridge), and is just beginning another book on the theological themes of 1-3 John (Zondervan) as well as an edited collection on Johannine Studies with Catrin H. Williams (University of Wales) with T&T Clark. She is also interested in the lives of women in the New Testament period and its history of interpretation and has a 2017 book Blessed Among Women? Mothers and Motherhood in the New Testament with Oxford University Press. While a PhD student at Baylor, Dr. Sharyn Dowd introduced her to the work of Helen Barrett Montgomery and the beginnings of Myers’s current research on Montgomery’s Centenary Translation began. She is currently finishing a book project focusing on Montgomery’s translation with Dr. Mandy McMichael (Baylor University) that will be published by Oxford University Press titled Helen Barrett Montgomery’s Bible: Victorian America and Competing Constructions of Womanhood. Dr. Myers also writes in publications focused on the concerns of pastors and sermon preparation (WorkingPreacher.org, Christian Reflection, Feasting on the Gospels, and Connections: A Lectionary Commentary for Preaching and Worship). She is a member of the Society of New Testament Studies and the Colloquium Ioanneum. She is the former co-chair and steering committee member of the Johannine Literature Section of the Society of Biblical Literature (2011-2023) and was president of the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion (2023-2024).
Previous Presenters Include:
- Lynn H. Cohick (2023 - 2024)
- Andrew Root (2022-2023)
- Elizabeth Shively (2021-2022)
- Nancey Murphy (2019-2020)
- Luke Powery (2018-2019)
- Amos Yong (2017-2018)
- Neville Callam (2016-2017)
- Rodney Reeves (2015-2016)
- Daniel Aleshire (2014-15)
- Ellen Davis (2013-14)
- Andrew Purves (2012-13)
- Kimlyn Bender (2011-12)
- Kenda Creasy Dean (2010-11)
- Philip Jenkins (2009-10)
- David Augsberger (2008-09)
- John Sanders (2007-08)
- James D.G. Dunn (2006-07)
- David Bebbington (2005-06)
- Glen Harold Stassen (2004-05)
- Ellen Charry (2003-2004)
- Richard Hays (2002-03)
- Stanley J. Grenz (2001-02)
- Ronald Sider (2000-01)
- Robin Lovin (1999-00)
- Diana Garland (1998-99)
- Dallas Willard (1997-98)
- Thomas Oden (1996-97)
You can watch or listen to our previous guests on the Willson-Addis Lecture media page.