PhD in Preaching
The Doctor of Philosophy in Preaching is offered through the Baylor University Graduate School and boasts a robust doctoral program for students who seek to contribute to the field of homiletics. The PhD in Preaching is the only PhD in Preaching in the free-church tradition offered at a major research university, making Baylor the leading institution for significant research and study in this tradition and area of study. Graduates will make contributions both to the academic study of homiletics and to the local church. The PhD program is modular in structure and includes both distance and residential students.
As an institution, Baylor is committed to ensuring the success of its students. The university engenders a scholarly community that encourages rapport and excellence in scholarship. At Baylor, students will find an inviting and invigorating atmosphere.
The PhD in Preaching program is housed in the Baylor University Graduate School. As a private Christian university in the Baptist tradition, Baylor is strategically placed to engage with emerging student-leaders from the church, business, government and the wider society with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The PhD in Preaching is a component in this conversation that brings the gospel to every aspect of life.
For inquiries regarding Baylor's PhD in Preaching program, please email Dr. Matthew Kim.