Complete Course Listing
The following information describes all PhD in Preaching courses offered in the program. This information can also be found under “Courses for Instruction” in the current Graduate Catalog. Please note that this is a total course listing, and does not reflect the courses offered in a particular semester.
The seminars required for a PhD in Preaching cover the full spectrum of the discipline, acquainting students with the history of the discipline, with applied hermeneutics, and with recent discussions in homiletical and rhetorical theory.
PHDP 6350 – History of Preaching from the First Testament to Wycliffe
A detailed historical study of preaching in the First Testament, the development of the synagogue sermon, the forms of preaching in Christian Scripture as kerygma and didache, preaching in the earliest church, Hellenistic rhetorical influences on preaching, patristic preaching in the East and West, the Alexandria and Antioch schools, monastic preaching, preaching of the Middle Ages and High Middle Ages to Wycliffe.
PHDP 6351 – History of Preaching from Wycliffe to Post-Modern Preaching
A detailed historical study of preaching from the pre-reformers, the Magisterial Reformation, the Radical Reformation, Scholasticism, Continental preaching, the British pulpit, the Colonial American pulpit, the history of Reformation and post-Reformation preaching pedagogy, preaching from the margins and the Third World, the Lyman Beecher Lectures as a reflection of preaching, the prevailing American hermeneutic and preaching in the 19th and 20th centuries, the New Homiletic, post-modern preaching and emergent church preaching.
PHDP 6352 – Exegetical Method for Preaching
A detailed examination of exegetical method as supportive of biblical preaching, including the history of exegesis in the First Testament, rabbinics, the Christian Church, apostolic canonical exegesis, patristic exegesis, Reformation exegetical models, historical/grammatical/syntactical exegesis, form critical/redactional/literary exegesis, biblical theology and the new hermeneutic informing exegesis, existential and deconstructive exegesis, and the future of contemporary exegetical models. In each instance stress will be placed on primary research in the consensus representative authors and works for each exegetical school.
PHDP 6353 – Hermeneutics for Preaching
A detailed consideration of hermeneutical approaches to the biblical text including the hermeneutics of each biblical genre based on the prerequisite of PHDP 6352. This seminar builds on PHDP 7352 pursuing the approach of the various exegetical methods as applied to the hermeneutics of each biblical genre. The logistics for the seminar will include detailed examination of biblical passages with a view to varied outcomes in light of hermeneutics that stand with, in front of, behind and beyond the text. The seminar will address particular concerns of African-American, Third World, feminist, marginal, and unprivileged hermeneutics.
PHDP 6354 - Homiletic Theory
A detailed investigation and critique of the historic schools and representatives of homiletic theory. Emphasis will be on readings and research in primary patristic, Catholic, Reformation, Scholastic, and evangelical schools. Careful attention will be given to the influence of Broadus, Reu, and other seminal American homileticians precursory to recent homiletic thought.
PHDP 6355 - The Theology of Preaching
A careful review and critical reflection on representative biblical, historical and systematic theologies from the homiletic angle of vision. Particular focus will be given to those persons, movements, and theologies that have informed preaching with an emphasis on the 19th and 20th century theologies as informative of the preaching horizon. Particular attention will be given to the 19th century romantic, 20th century neo-orthodox, and early 21st century theologies as influences in preaching.
PHDP 6356 - Contemporary Trends in Preaching
Based on the literature of the last 30 years, the late modern and early post-modern developments in preaching will be considered against larger trends in church and society. The deductive, inductive, narrative, transformative, phenomenological, law/gospel, and image-based schools of preaching will be considered in the major representatives of each homiletic approach. Particular emphasis will be given to the criticisms of each school and the catalytic interaction among the schools in the literature for the period.
PHDP 6357- Rhetorical Theory and Preaching
In collaboration with the Department of Rhetoric, this interdisciplinary seminar investigates the impact of rhetorical schools and theories on Christian preaching spanning the history of the rhetorical discipline. The influences of Greek, Roman, Medieval, Enlightenment, 16th century, the English tradition in the 17th century, modern theorists, and theories of rhetorical analysis will be considered in their impact on Christian preaching.
PHDP 6358 - The Practice of Preaching
A detailed examination of the role of delivery in the effectiveness of preaching through careful analysis of CDs, DVDs, and video of significant preachers representing a variety of traditions and approaches. Attention will be given to the place vocal dynamics (volume, pitch, pace, pause, etc.) and body language (facial expression, eye contact, posture, gestures, etc.) have in effective communication. Members of the seminar will each preach a sermon for careful analysis.
PHDP 6360 - Studies in the Old Testament and Proclamation
A study of selected Old Testament texts. While considerable attention will be given to historical, literary and theological issues, the course will also address hermeneutical matters related to proclamation. Course may be repeated when content differs for a maximum of nine (9) semester hours.
PHDP 6361 - Studies in the New Testament and Proclamation
A study of selected New Testament texts. While considerable attention will be given to historical, literary, and theological issues, the course will also address hermeneutical matters related to proclamation. Course may be repeated when content differs for a maximum of nine (9) semester hours.
PHDP 6362 - Studies in Theology and Proclamation
An examination of various topics in systematic or historical theology. Implications for proclamation will be also be considered. Course may be repeated when content differs for a maximum of nine (9) semester hours.
PHDP 6363 - Interdisciplinary Studies in Religion and Culture
A study of the intersection between religion and culture as expressed in various disciplines, including English, Communication, and Sociology. Course may be repeated when content differs for a maximum of nine (9) semester hours.
PHDP 6364 – Teaching Preaching
Designed to enable the doctoral student in homiletics to develop skills in teaching a basic course in preaching. This course is designed to provide the student with educational theory, curriculum design, pedagogical tools and practice in sharpening one’s teaching skills for the teaching of preaching.
PHDP 6365 – Research Methodology
An examination of research approaches and methodologies as related to preaching and writing. The course will explore writing for research and other platforms and will include reading assignments, discussion, presentations and writing assignments, preparing the student for academic article writing, dissertation writing and other writing platforms.
PHDP 6366 – Victorian and Edwardian Preaching: Preaching in the Grand Style
Informed opinion considers the Victorian and Edwardian eras the zenith of English language preaching in the grand rhetorical style and tradition. The literary remains of these periods embrace preaching from the poetic, cultured sermons of F. W. Robertson to the rugged Anglo-Saxon speech of C.H. Spurgeon. This seminar will examine the lives, work, and sermons of such luminaries as Henry P. Liddon, John Henry Newman, Alexander MacLaren, Joseph Parker, Charles Spurgeon, Alexander Whyte, F. B. Meyer, and G. Campbell Morgan, among others. Careful attention will be given to the cultural, political, and technological movements in the Industrial Revolution and prolonged reign of Victoria that produced the avid listeners of the age.
PHDP 6367 – Studies in Non-Majority Preaching Traditions
This seminar will examine non-majority-culture preaching traditions and the homiletical scholarship produced in these traditions. It will familiarize participants with preaching theories and practices from contexts outside their own, educate them as to the significance of context in reading and preaching biblical texts, develop their levels of intercultural competence as preachers and teachers of preaching, and enhance their homiletical capacity to engage an intercultural church with an intercultural future. Special attention will be paid to contributions in African American, Asian American, and Latinx/Latin American homiletics.
PHDP 6368 – Preaching and Higher Education
A study of the place and role of preaching in higher education. A special emphasis will be the development of Christian higher education in North America. Additionally, the course will explore the challenges colleges, universities and seminaries face in contemporary culture.
PHDP 6369 – Eschatology and Preaching: The Biblical Basis, Theological Emphases, and Cultural Conditions that Inform Eschatological Preaching
Rooted in a study of Hebrew and Christian eschatology, this seminar will examine the varieties of eschatological preaching informed by the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the developments of eschatological preaching in each epoch of church history. Spanning the chiliasm of the patristic era and reaching to the dispensationalism of modernity, the rich variety of informed and uninformed eschatological preaching will be examined. Sermons on death, the interim state, the Second Advent, judgment, the millennium, and the eternal state will be analyzed and weighed against both the biblical record and the contemporary culture informing the preachers and preaching.
PHDP 6370 – Preaching and Culture: Engaging Societal Shifts in North America
This seminar will examine how recent societal shifts have impacted homiletical engagement with culture in the North American context. After constructing a biblical-theological rationale for cultural engagement, participants will analyze three shifts in particular – secularization, technologization, and, interculturation – and their broader impact on preaching, congregational life, and the broader U.S. society. Seminar topics will include studies on sermon reception, proficiency in preparing culturally relevant sermons, the impact of New Media, demographic analysis, cultural value research, and critical-cultural self-study.
PHDP 6399 – Dissertation
Supervised research for the doctoral dissertation. A total of nine semester hours is required for the completion of the dissertation. Students register for dissertation hours during dissertation research and receive credit for them when the dissertation is approved.