"The spiritual direction program at Truett was a highlight from my seminary experience. I discovered pastoral skills and passions I was previously unaware of and my entire concept of ministry and vocation have been reshaped during my two years in the program." —Chase Jensen, CSD
Spiritual direction is a historic practice of the church that involves accompanying others in prayerful reflection and conversation as they attend to God's presence and calling in their lives and grow in Christian maturity. Growing a life with God is an essential dimension of the Christian journey. We grow best when we make the journey with others who give the gift of "one anothering" through prayer and encouragement. The ministry of spiritual direction is one form of relationship that responds to this need.
Truett Seminary now offers a training program in spiritual direction for those who are interested in strengthening their gifts for spiritual discernment. Course content includes study, prayer, and practical ministry opportunities with Baylor students and in congregations. Spiritual Direction I-IV is offered over a two-year period. Those who complete the program receive a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Truett Seminary and can offer spiritual direction to individuals and groups in congregations, other ministry contexts, and beyond. The program is available to seminary students, Baylor faculty and staff, ministers, and lay people seeking to become spiritual directors.
About the Instructor
The primary instructor in the spiritual direction training program is Truett Seminary's Director of Spiritual Formation, Dr. Angela Reed. Dr. Reed has been a spiritual director for nearly two decades and has a passion for teaching others about this ministry. She is the author of Quest For Spiritual Community: Reclaiming Spiritual Guidance for Contemporary and co-author of Spiritual Companioning: A Guide to Protestant Theology and Practice which received the Dallas Willard Center book award for 2016.
Additionally, Dr. Reed is joined in our courses by a staff of spiritual direction supervisors who are trained in this ministry. The class meets together in a large group to receive instruction on the history, theology, theory, and practice of spiritual direction, but also meets in smaller groups that allow for students to offer and receive spiritual direction under the guidance and direction of a supervisor. Our staff of supervisors are certified spiritual directors who bring knowledge, experience, and wisdom in teaching others how to serve skillfully in this ministry.
"Being part of the spiritual direction training program at Truett was absolutely transformational. I was introduced to a new way of being with God that a part of me had been searching for my entire life. The opportunity to serve others through the ministry of spiritual direction for which this program has prepared me is a pure gift and an invitation from God to listen closely and depend completely upon him." —Carrol Crowson, CSD
Program Schedule
Program Schedule
Cohort Six began their two-year training cycle in Fall 2023 on Monday evenings. They meet on the following dates (6:00 - 9:00 pm).
· Spiritual Direction I (Fall 2023): August 21, September 11, September 25, October 9, October 23, November 6, November 27
· Spiritual Direction II (Spring 2024): January 22, February 5, February 19, March 11, March 25, April 15, April 29
· Spiritual Direction III (Fall 2024): September 9, September 23, October 7, October 21, November 4, November 18, December 9
· Spiritual Direction IV (Spring 2025): February 3, February 17, March 3, March 24, April 7, April 28, May 12
Cohort Seven begins their two-year training cycle in Fall 2024 on Monday evenings. They meet on the following dates (6:00 - 9:00 pm).
· Spiritual Direction I (Fall 2024): August 26, September 16, September 30, October 14, October 28, November 11, December 2
· Spiritual Direction II (Spring 2025): January 27, February 10, February 24, March 17, March 31, April 14, May 5
· Spiritual Direction III (Fall 2025): September 8, September 22, October 6, October 20, November 3, November 17, December 8
· Spiritual Direction IV (Spring 2026): February 2, February 16, March 2, March 23, April 13, April 27, May 11
Truett students may enroll in the course to join this cohort (PRTH 7110 01). If you would like to join our program as a Baylor Extended Learning student, please email Truett_SpiritualDirection@baylor.edu to request an application packet.
Cohort Eight will begin their two-year training cycle in Fall 2025 on Monday evenings. They will meet on the following dates (6:00 – 9:00 pm).
· Spiritual Direction I (Fall 2025): August 25, September 15, September 29, October 13, October 27, November 10, December 1
· Spiritual Direction II (Spring 2026): January 26, February 9, February 23, March 16, March 30, April 20, May 4
The application process for Cohort Eight begins spring 2025.
If you would like more information about the Spiritual Direction Training Program, email Truett_SpiritualDirection@baylor.edu.