Degree Planning
The Office of Academic Services has created Degree Completion Plans to assist our students in degree planning and completion. Plans offer a suggested schedule of courses to take each semester to complete your degree. You may pick up a copy of a Degree Completion Plan in the Academic Services Office in 205 or download your degree completion plan here.
You are required to complete the degree plan under the catalog year that you entered Truett. You may update to a new degree plan but you may not go back to an old plan once you have done so.
Master of Divinity Graduate Certificates:
- The Master of Divinity requires a 72-hour core and 15 hours of electives. Students have the option to pursue a graduate certificate which allows students to take 12 of their 15 hours in a specialized area.
- If you desire to apply for a graduate certificate after you have started your seminary degree, you may do so by completing a Graduate Certificate or Concentration form.
- Please note that once you declared a graduate certificate, you will be responsible for all the degree program requirements listed in the catalog year in which your change is made. Students are encouraged to declare their graduate certificate before they have achieved 60 hours of their Master of Divinity program.
- Learn more information about Truett's Master of Divinity graduate certificates.
Master of Arts Concentrations:
- The Master of Arts is a 60 hour degree that requires a 42-hour core and an 18 conce.
- Learn more information about Truett's Master of Arts concentrations.
Language Requirements:
- Master of Divinity students are required to take between 12 - 15 hours of Biblical Languages, including:
- Greek 1 and 2
- Hebrew 1 and 2
- Greek Readings or Hebrew Readings (for students who began Truett prior to summer 2019)
- If you are in your second year of seminary and have not registered for Biblical languages, you need to start taking at least one course of Biblical languages each semester in order to meet your language requirements for graduation. Biblical Languages are taught each summer on a rotating basis. Don’t wait until your last year of Seminary to start taking your Biblical Languages!
- If you are in your second year of seminary and have not registered for Biblical languages, you need to start taking at least one course of Biblical languages each semester in order to meet your language requirements for graduation. As of Fall 2023, Biblical Languages are taught online each year on a rotating basis and also taught in-person each year. Don’t wait until your last year of Seminary to start taking your Biblical Languages!
- Houston and San Antonio campus students are encouraged to complete their Biblical Language requirements by taking one of the online courses.
Course Sequence:
- Scriptures: Introduction to Scriptures (THEO 7340) is the pre-requisite course for Scriptures 1-4. It is required to be taken before all Scriptures courses except for those who have been approved for advanced standing.
- Theology: Introduction to Christian History and Theology (THEO 7341) is the pre-requisite course for Text and Traditions 1-3. It is required to be taken before all Scriptures courses except for those who have been approved for advanced standing. Students must complete all Text and Traditions courses before they can register for Constructive Theology.
- Preaching: The Preaching 1 (PRCH 7316) faculty recommend that a student has at least one semester of Scriptures completed before they register for Preaching. It is also beneficial to have completed or be enrolled in Biblical Languages while taking Preaching 1. Students must take Preaching 1 before they can register for Studies in Preaching or Preaching 2 courses.
- Integrative Seminar: This course is designed to be taken in your last semester. It can be taken one semester or summer prior to graduation if the student will be mentoring or has other extenuating circumstances. Permits are available in the Academic Services Office. Students must file for graduation before a permit will be granted.
Requesting a Permit:
Certain classes at Truett Seminary require permits to allow students to register. If you attempt to register for a class and are unable to do so, a permit may be required. Permits are granted for :
- Mentoring
- Professor approval - required for any course that occurs off campus or requires professor approval
- Prerequisites - required when a student has been granted the opportunity to take a course without first completing the prerequisites
- Time conflict overrides
- Overloads (for joint degree students taking 18 hours or more)
- Repeat Course Override - for students who must repeat a class due to failure or withdrawal
Please contact Nancy Floyd or Jo Ann Reinowski in Academic Services for help with permits.