Faculty & Staff
The Scott L. Engle Director of the Wesley House of Studies
The Scott L. Engle Director of the Wesley House of Studies
Rev. Dr. Rusty Freeman serves as the first holder of the Scott L. Engle Director of the Wesley House of Studies at Truett Seminary. Rusty is a 7th generation United Methodist ordained elder and has expertise in youth and young persons ministries, men's ministries, spiritual formation, retreats, and camps. From 2000 to 2014, he served as Director of Youth Ministries for the Rio Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church. In 2015, Rusty and his wife, Dr. Lane Freeman, founded Movement Ministries, LLC. In 2019, they formed Revive Ministries as a non-profit entity to help lead youth and youth workers into making disciples and growing God's Kingdom.
Rusty has served as a consultant, senior pastor, associate pastor, conference speaker, event planner, and youth pastor. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Religion from Baylor University, and a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky.
Program Coordinator for The Wesley House of Studies
Program Coordinator for The Wesley House of Studies
Sydney Huebner serves as the program coordinator for The Wesley House of Studies at Truett Seminary. As program coordinator, Sydney works a great deal with the Pastoral Studies Program through interactions with students and managing day-to-day operations. In her role, Sydney assists in recruiting students and networking through travel to various conferences and hosting events. Alongside this, Sydney also helps with the administrative needs within the Wesley House office and engaging with on-campus students. Sydney has worked in various ministry settings over the years with her primary experience being in camp and college ministry. Sydney graduated from The Mississippi University for Women with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and went on to receive a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Asbury Theological Seminary.
Office Manager, Wesley House of Studies
Office Manager, Wesley House of Studies
Christy Rolf serves as the Office Manager at The Wesley House of Studies at Truett Seminary. As a longtime Methodist (and daughter of a Methodist pastor) she has a deep appreciation for the Wesleyan theology that shaped her faith and honed her character.
Christy has 30 years of work experience in a variety of fields ranging from sales and customer service to administration, management, and ministry. She has worked for businesses in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors from small start-ups to national corporations. She brings her administrative skills, creative thinking, and love for efficiency to her role at The Wesley House. Christy holds a BA in Theatre from the University of New Mexico.
Adjunct Faculty and Program Manager for the Wesley House Pastoral Studies Program
Adjunct Faculty and Program Manager for the Wesley House Pastoral Studies Program
Rev. Dr. C. Chappell Temple serves as the Program Manager for the Pastoral Studies Program in the Wesley House of Studies, as well as an adjunct instructor in the Truett Houston M.Div. program. A member of the Trinity Conference of the Global Methodist Church, Chappell has been a pastor for almost fifty years, serving in a variety of settings from small towns to inner city churches to large suburban congregations. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Journalism from Southern Methodist University, a Master of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and a Master of Arts and Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Rice University, with a concentration in Church History.
Prior to joining the Wesley House, Chappell was an adjunct professor at two other seminaries, Houston Graduate School of Theology and Perkins School of Theology at SMU, as well as the president of a small Methodist college in East Texas, Lon Morris. Within the Global Methodist Church, Chappell was one of three on the writing team which produced the Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline.
Professor of Christian Theology Holder of the William J. Abraham Chair of Wesleyan Studies
Professor of Christian Theology Holder of the William J. Abraham Chair of Wesleyan Studies
Jason Vickers, PhD, serves as the inaugural William J. Abraham Chair of Wesleyan Studies. A popular teacher, prolific author, and ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, Vickers holds a PhD from Southern Methodist University. Prior to joining Truett Seminary, Vickers is completing his role as Professor of Theology at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. He also has taught at Austin College in Sherman, Texas, Hood Theological Seminary in Salisbury, North Carolina, and United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. Vickers has been a member of numerous editorial boards and is a past president of the Wesleyan Theological Society. Vickers is presently the editor of the Wesleyan Theological Journal.
Senior Advisor for the Advancement of the Wesley House of Studies
Senior Advisor for the Advancement of the Wesley House of Studies
Ryan Barnett is an ordained elder in the Global Methodist Church. He holds a MBA from Texas A&M, Corpus Christi, a MDiv from Asbury Theological Seminary, and a BA from The University of Texas at Austin. Ryan has over 20 years of local church ministry experience, having served as the executive pastor of the 15th largest United Methodist Church in America, senior pastor to a small urban church, a large county-seat church, and the largest Global Methodist Church in the MidTexas Conference. In addition to serving as the senior advisor for the advancement of the Wesley House of Studies and instructor for preaching in the Pastoral Studies Program at Truett, he also serves as the Connectional Operational Officer (COO) of the MidTexas Conference of the Global Methodist Church.
Ryan is co-author with Jason Vickers of Profoundly Christian, Distinctly Methodist, Seedbed Publishing’s definitive work for teaching Global Methodist doctrine and theology in the local church.
Pastor-Theologian in Residence
Pastor-Theologian in Residence
Bishop Scott J. Jones, PhD, joined Truett Seminary’s Wesley House of Studies as an affiliate professor and pastor-theologian in residence. As a life-long Methodist who has served with distinction as a pastor, professor, and denominational leader, Dr. Jones is well-suited to instruct, serve, and support students within the Wesley House as it prepares people for gospel ministry within Wesleyan tradition.
An ordained elder, published author, sought-after preacher, and recognized leader, Jones holds a BA in philosophy from the University of Kansas, a MTh from Perkins School of Theology, and a PhD in Religious Studies from Southern Methodist University, where his doctoral dissertation research focused on the history of biblical interpretation within the Wesleyan movement. Jones, who recently joined the Global Methodist Church and was appointed as a bishop within the denomination, previously served as a bishop for over 18 years within the United Methodist Church. He has also served as a pastor to Methodist churches in the North Texas Annual Conference and as a faculty member at Southern Methodist University’s Perkins School of Theology.
In Remembrance

Inaugural Director
A gifted teacher, sought-after lecturer, prolific author, and ordained elder in The United Methodist Church, Dr. Billy Abraham was named the inaugural director of the Wesley House of Studies at Baylor's Truett Seminary in 2020 and unexpectedly passed away in October 2021. Read more about Dr. Abraham's life and legacy here.