Parchman Endowed Lectures
The Parchman Endowed Lectures bring world-renowned theologians to the Baylor campus and enable George W. Truett Theological Seminary to make a significant contribution to the realm of theological dialogue and the life of the church. All events are free and open to the public and will be held in the Paul W. Powell Chapel at Baylor University's George W. Truett Theological Seminary. This year, Truett Seminary is proud to present:

M. Daniel Carroll Rodas, PhD | October 15-16, 2024 | Paul W. Powell Chapel
"Of God and Idols: Reflections on Old Testament Political Theology from South of the Border"
October 15:
11:00 am “'You Shall Have No Other Gods’: Yahweh as Idol?”
4:00 pm “Ritual as Political Delusion: The Ideology of Worship”
October 16:
11:00 am “Some Write to the Future: Hoping against Hope in Hopeless Contexts"
M. Daniel Carroll R. (Rodas) is the Scripture Press Ministries professor of Biblical Studies in the graduate school of Wheaton College. Carroll is half-Guatemalan (his mother), and his experiences in Guatemala during his youth and his many years teaching there gave him a deep conviction in the crucial relevance of the prophetic literature and Old Testament ethics. He has long been involved in Hispanic theological education, both at lay and more academic levels. His latest publications are The Lord Roars: Recovering the Prophetic Voice for Today and, this fall, Reading the Bible Latinamente: Latino/a Interpretation for the Life of the Church and The State of Old Testament Studies: A Survey of Recent Research.
Previous Presenters Include:
- John Swinton (2023-2024)
- Chris Wright (2022-2023)
- Fleming Rutledge (2019-2020)
- James K.A. Smith (2018-2019)
- Robert Kolb (2017-2018)
- Margaret Mitchell (2016-2017)
- Alister McGrath (2015-2016)
- Dana Robert (2014-15)
- Richard Mouw (2013-14)
- Geoffrey Wainwright (2012-13)
- Scot McKnight (2011-12)
- Richard Bauckham (2010-11)
- Lamin Sanneh (2009-10)
- Bill Leonard (2008-09)
- Ben Witherington III (2007-08)
- Justo Gonzalez (2006-07)
- Eugene Peterson (2005-06)
- James Forbes (2004-05)
- Walter Brueggemann (2003-04)
- John Polkinghorne (2002-03)
- N.T. Wright (2001-02)
- Lewis B. Smedes (2000-01)
- Jurgen Moltmann (1999-00)
You can watch or listen to our previous guests at the Parchman Lectures Media Library.