Part mentorship opportunity, part ministry internship, the Ministry Resident Program at Baylor University's Truett Seminary is designed to connect some of Truett’s most gifted and motivated students with ministry opportunities in leading partner churches within the Truett Church Network.
Partnering in Ministry
The Truett Seminary Ministry Resident Program provides invaluable experiential training and intensive, intentional discipleship and mentoring for Truett’s future ministers. For our students who sense God’s call to the ministry, this program is a valuable confirmation and affirmation to equip them for their futures in ministry.
The Program is designed to provide Partner Churches with the flexibility and freedom to build the residency to meet the ministry needs of the church. Residencies within churches can cover a range of disciplines and areas of ministry including:
- Pastoral Residency
- Student Ministry
- Children’s Ministry
- Worship Ministry
- Community and Missions Ministry
Truett's Office of Ministry Connections works with participating church staff to identify a list of candidates who represent a good fit for the residency, providing support for administration of the residency.
The Truett Resident commits 10-20 hours per week to the residency, including Sundays. Partner Churches commit to one-year participation terms, for the Fall and Spring semesters during an academic year. The residency can be extended for more than one year if desired by the church and the student.
Partner Churches participating in the program will commit to a gift of $10,000 or more each year of participation to provide financial support for participating Truett Residents. The Seminary ensures that the entirety of funds given through the Truett Ministry Resident Program are translated into direct scholarship support for the Church’s Ministry Resident. Truett does not use Partner Church gifts for administrative or programmatic funding.
In addition, Partner Churches will receive free admittance to Truett Church Network Pastor retreats and similar events, free and discounted registration fees for special seminars and Preaching Conferences, and special recognition at our annual Friends of Truett dinner event.
Interested in Partnering?
Contact Jack Bodenhamer, assistant dean of external affairs, or Kenneth McNeil, director of ministry connections and alumni relations, to learn more about how your church can participate in the Ministry Resident Program.
Partner Churches
Some of the many churches and minstries Truett partners with include:
- First Baptist Church Temple, Temple, Texas
- Concord Church, Dallas, Texas
- Trinity Baptist Church, San Antonio, Texas
- OneCry Prayer Ministries, Waco, Texas