Jennifer Matheny, PhD
Associate Professor of Christian Scriptures

PhD, University of Kent (Canterbury, UK)
MA, Regent College (Vancouver, CA)
BA, Ozark Christian College
Research Interests
Gendered Violence in the Hebrew Bible
Dress Hermeneutics
Jeremiah and Trauma Studies, Psychological Approaches to the Hebrew Bible
The Megilloth
Courses Taught
Christian Scriptures 1
Publication Highlights
J.M. Matheny. Judges 19–21 and Ruth: Canon as a Voice of Answerability. Biblical Interpretation Series. Leiden: Brill, 2022.
- J.M. Matheny. Joshua. Illustrated Hebrew-English Old Testament Series (GIHEOT) Willmore, KY: GlossaHouse, 2019.
- J.M. Matheny. Ḥesed and the Core of Old Testament Theology. Baker Academic, forthcoming.
- J.M. Matheny. Clothing, Dress, and Nudity in the Five Scrolls. Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
- J.M. Matheny and A.E. Hale. "The Raging Prophet Jeremiah: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Pathway Forward through Pain." When Psychology Meets the Bible. Eds. Heather McKay and Pieter van der Zwan. Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2023.
- J.M. Matheny. “Tamar and Ruth: Dress as (Mis)communication and Inheritance Preservation.” Ed. Antonios Finitsis. Dress Hermeneutics and the Hebrew Bible: “Let Your Garments Always be Bright.” Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, 724. New York: T and T Clark, 2022.
- J.M. Matheny. “Ruth: Recent Research.” Currents in Biblical Research. UK: Sage Publications (October 2020), vol. 19 (1), 8–35.
- J.M. Matheny and J.D. Lyonhart (2020). “The Biblical Narrative of Ruth and The Monstrous Other and the Biblical Narrative of Ruth” Religion and Film. Vol. 24: Issue 2, Article 3.
- J.M. Matheny. “Mute and Mutilated: Understanding Judges 19-21 as a משל of Dialogue.” Biblical Interpretation 25, 4-5 (2017): 625-646.
- J.M. Matheny. “Hosea 11 and Metaphors of Identity, Relationship, and Core Values in Contexts of Trauma.” The Oxford Handbook of the Book of Hosea. Brad E. Kelle (ed.) Oxford University Press, Forthcoming.
- J.M. Matheny. “Holiness in Ruth.” Holiness in the Old Testament: A Textual and Thematic Study. Matt Ayers and John Oswalt (eds.) Kregal Academic, Forthcoming.
About Dr. Matheny
Jenny Matheny is associate professor of Christian Scriptures. Dr. Matheny has taught Biblical and Theological Studies at the undergraduate level and graduate level for 12 years. Two years into this university teaching adventure, God began calling her to return to school for doctoral studies. She often describes this “invitation” similar to the dwarves (Thorin and Company) popping into Bilbo’s home (An Unexpected Party) in The Hobbit (Or there and back again). Saying yes to this adventure in doctoral studies has given her the research space to seek interdisciplinary methods and reading strategies for some of the violent and difficult narratives in the Old Testament. From her years of teaching, preaching, and ministry, these difficult texts have been the ones that she has experienced as roadblocks for many on their faith journeys. Thinking through ethical reading strategies with others has created welcome paths through some of this difficult terrain.
Journeying with students as they seek next steps in life and ministry is one of her greatest joys. In the classroom, Jenny seeks to create a safe space for theological dialogue and equip students to engage in the tough questions of the text (and life!). Her desire is that this educational experience in seminary will be a transformative and inspiring space of integration in all contexts that students are called to participate in Kingdom work.
Jenny’s family has served for over twenty years in ministry, from youth ministry (Kansas, Missouri, California, Oklahoma, Canada) to church planting (Oregon) and church revitalization (California, Kansas).
Before coming to Truett, Jenny served as associate professor of Old Testament at Nazarene Theological Seminary and Director of the Wynkoop Center for Women in Leadership. Jenny enjoys presenting papers at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. She is consulting editor for the Stone-Campbell Journal and co-chair of the biblical studies unit for the Wesleyan Theological Society.