Todd D. Still, PhD
Charles J. and Eleanor McLerran DeLancey Dean Holder of the William M. Hinson Chair of Christian Scriptures

Doctorate of Philosophy, New Testament Studies, University of Glasgow, Scotland,
1996, Thesis Title: “Thlipsis in Thessalonica: A Study of the Conflict Relations of Paul and the Thessalonian Christians with Outsiders,” Supervisor: Professor John M. G. Barclay (presently Lightfoot Professor of Divinity, University of Durham)
MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
BA, Baylor University
Research Interests
1 & 2 Thessalonians
Pauline Epistles
Courses Taught
Christian Scriptures 4
Publication Highlights
- Conflict in Thessalonica
- Co-author, Thinking Through Paul
- Editor, Reading the New Testament Series (Smith & Helwys)
- Co-editor, New International Greek Testament Commentary (Eerdmans)
- Co-editor w/ David E. Wilhite, Paul Among the Fathers (T&T Clark: forthcoming).
- Co-editor w/ William H. Bellinger, Baylor Annotated Study Bible (Baylor University Press: 2019).
About Dr. Still
Todd D. Still serves as Charles J. and Eleanor McLerran DeLancey Dean and William M. Hinson Professor of Christian Scriptures in Baylor University’s George W. Truett Theological Seminary. Dr. Still, who was named as the seminary’s fifth dean in February 2015, joined Truett’s faculty to teach courses in New Testament and Greek in the fall of 2003. Before coming to Baylor, Dr. Still taught at Gardner-Webb University’s School of Divinity in Boiling Springs, NC, where he occupied the Bob D. Shepherd Chair of New Testament Interpretation, and at Dallas Baptist University in Dallas, TX, where he served from 1995-2000.
Dr. Still holds the Bachelor of Arts in Greek and sociology from Baylor University (1988), the Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (1991), and the Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Glasgow, Scotland (1996). He has also studied at Cambridge University in Cambridge, England (1993) and the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland (1994). Additionally, he has served as an Honorary University Fellow at the University of Exeter, England (2008) and as the William Barclay Distinguished Visiting Fellow in Biblical Studies at the University of Glasgow, Scotland (2019).
A Pauline scholar, Dr. Still is the author of numerous books, articles, reviews, and Bible study materials. He has also edited several volumes. Currently, Dr. Still serves as the President of the Fellowship of Evangelical Seminary Presidents, the Chair of the Theological Education Commission of the Baptist World Alliance, the Secretary of the Society of New Testament Studies, and a consultant to the Executive Director Search Committee for Texas Baptists. In addition to his administrative and academic work and service, Dr. Still is deeply committed to and actively involved in local churches. A licensed and ordained Baptist minister, he frequently preaches and teaches in congregational and conference settings and has served in a variety of ministerial capacities, including frequently as an interim pastor.
A native of Wichita Falls, TX, Dr. Still is married to Carolyn, a founder, administrator, and teacher at Live Oak Classical School. They live in Waco, TX and have two adult sons—Samuel and Andrew. Apart from work, Dr. Still enjoys gardening, golfing, watching Baylor Bear athletics, playing with his family’s dogs, and traveling.