E.K. Bailey’s Enduring Legacy at Truett Seminary

Rev. Dr. E.K. Bailey’s legacy transcends time, inspiring pastors and preachers across racial and denominational lines through his masterful narrative expository preaching. 

In an article written by Tyshawn Gardner, PhD, associate professor of preaching and assistant director of the Kyle Lake Center for Effective Preaching, Gardner explains how Dr. Bailey's influence lives on at Truett Seminary through the annual E.K. Bailey Preaching Celebration and how many students and faculty have been shaped by his ministry. 

January 17, 2025
EK Bailey Celebration Headshots of EK Bailey and Tyshawn Gardner

Rev. Dr. E.K. Bailey (left) and Dr. Tyshawn Gardner (right)

Kenyatta R. Gilbert in his groundbreaking book, The Journey and Promise of African American Preaching, describes the genius of African American preaching as “truly catalytic, holistic, and most completely actualized only when marked by three constitutive orientations—the scriptural voices of prophet, priest, and sage, which, theologically, follow a trinitarian pattern.” Perhaps no American preacher, living or in eternity, embodied that description as fully as Rev. Dr. E.K. Bailey. Dr.  Bailey’s ministry, however, transcends any and every racial and ethnic boundary, and his admirers make up the multi-ethnic beauty within the body of Christ. In 2010, Preaching magazine identified E.K. Bailey as one of the 25 most influential preachers in the past 25 years. Fifteen years later, that designation still holds true.

The late Rev. Dr. E.K. Bailey still stands as the quintessential preacher and pastor. Dr. Bailey founded the Concord Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, in 1975 and served as the senior pastor until his death in 2003. Known worldwide for his vivid and picturesque narrative—expository preaching, his life and legacy continue to resound—through his family, the E.K. Bailey International Preaching Conference, and the church he founded, Concord Baptist Church, now ably led by Rev. Dr. Bryan Carter. Widely known throughout the state of Texas and the nation, Dr. Bailey’s influence is palpably felt at George W. Truett Theological Seminary. Pastors and preachers across the nation flock to Baylor University’s Truett Seminary to attend the annual E.K. Bailey Preaching Celebration held in his honor. Dr. Bailey’s ministry was memorialized at Truett Seminary through his close and longtime relationship with Dr. Joel C. Gregory, emeritus professor of preaching at Truett. 

To honor the richness of the African American preaching tradition and the ministry of his dear friend E.K. Bailey, Dr. Gregory established the E.K. Bailey Preaching Celebration at Truett Seminary in 2005. The Bailey and Truett Seminary names are linked through other partnerships as well. For years, Truett Seminary has had a consistent presence at the E.K. Bailey International Expository Preaching Conference and numerous ministers from Concord Church have attended Truett Seminary.  

Respected for his wit, scholarship, pastoral faithfulness, and powerful expository preaching the world over, Dr. Bailey’s presence is still felt in churches, conferences, and seminaries across the nation. His reach is far and wide. Dr. Bailey served as pastor and mentor to some of the nation’s most effective preachers, including Truett’s PhD in Preaching student, Rev. Lawerence Aker III, who serves as the senior pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Brooklyn, New York.  In addition, Bailey’s daughter, Rev. Cokiesha Bailey Robinson, has engaged in Doctor of Ministry studies at Truett Seminary and was a featured preacher in the 2024 African American Preaching Conference. Dr. Bailey’s love and commitment continue to make indelible impressions on countless professors of preaching, pastors, and preachers across racial and denominational lines. The Truett and Bailey connection lives on through past and current Truett students who have served and still serve at Concord Baptist Church. 

In his book What We Love About the Black Church: Can We Get a Witness?, co-authored with William H. Crouch, Dr. Gregory shares that at a very pivotal point in his life Dr. Bailey gave him “the oxygen of hope” by encouraging him to preach. Dr. Bailey’s influence at Truett Seminary continues to provide us “the oxygen of hope” that we may preach in the power of the One who has given us the breath of life. 

We invite you to join us at the upcoming E.K. Bailey Preaching Celebration on February 3-4, 2025. For more information, click here.